Dear ICARA members and associated colleagues,
We are proud to be hosting a hybrid research workshop at the Kettil Bruun Society 2023 Conference on Tuesday 6th June from 15.00-16.30 GMT+1.
The aim of the workshop is to discuss Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs (ATOD) research capacity strengthening needs in LMIC countries, as well as developing potential research partnerships with researchers from these countries. We will build on the existing research capacity and expertise of workshop attendees, and the assets that we have, to discuss ways to address identified research capacity.
Attendees will be split into smaller groups by region and discussions will focus on the following areas:
- What areas of ATOD research have been done well in your country/region so far?
- What types of ATOD research are priorities in your country/region today?
- What are the main ATOD research areas where there is a gap now?
- What are the main challenges in undertaking ATOD research?
- What are your specific needs for undertaking this research both locally and internationally?
- How do you think ICARA could support those needs?
- What kinds of research partnerships would be interested in fostering with other LMIC researchers, if any?
Facilitators will make notes of all identified strengths, gaps and needs for each region and a whole-group discussion will take place where together we will start to group these needs according to commonalities (themes). The next steps for strengthening research capacity needs will then be agreed on by the whole group, and the potential role of ICARA in supporting these needs will be identified.
We invite researchers at different stages in their career who are from the Global South, to attend this free, hybrid workshop. If you are attending the KBS Conference in Johannesburg, you are welcome to attend in person. If you are not attending the conference, we invite you to attend online registering here via Eventbrite! Please disseminate to anyone in your network who might be interested.
We look forward to meeting you there (or online).