This report is a rapid and preliminary analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on selected online markets (EMCDDA)
Bibliography: Production and Supply
Trends in the availability and type of drugs sold on the internet via cryptomarkets
January 2019 – January 2020 (NDARC)
Seoul Searching
South Korea’s AI Counter-Cryptomarket Capability and Associated Privacy Dilemmas (gdpo)
Adulterants, Contaminants and Co-occurring Substances in Drugs on the Illegal Market in Canada
This bulletin provides a snapshot of the contents of drugs on the illegal, unregulated market in Canada, with the view to raising awareness among stakeholders, including people who use drugs, service providers, and policy makers, that drug contamination is extensive and pervasive, and contributes significantly to drugrelated harms (CCSA)
Review of drugs: phase one report
The first part of Dame Carol Black’s independent review of drugs (Home Office)
What is driving serious violence: drugs (PDF)
“The marketplace is more volatile and violent than it has ever been” (Crest Advisory)
EU Drug Markets Report 2019
EMCDDA Director presents EU Drug Markets Report 2019 at European Parliament — ‘a clear wake-up call for policymakers’
Highlights from the EU Drug Markets Report for policy and practice
This short publication presents the main highlights from the EU Drug Markets Report 2019, targeting policy and practice (EMCDDA)
Drug precursor developments in the European Union
This paper describes the significant developments that have occurred in the last 5 to 10 years in the field of drug precursors related to synthetic stimulant drugs produced in the EU (EMCDDA)
EU Drug Markets Report 2019
The EU Drug Markets Report 2019 is the third comprehensive overview of illicit drug markets in the European Union by the EMCDDA and Europol.
ONDCP Releases Data on Coca Cultivation and Production Potential in Bolivia
Bolivia’s coca cultivation totaled 32,900 hectares in 2018, an increase of 6 percent over 2017, increasing cocaine production potential by 2 percent to 254 metric tons (ONDCP)
Afghanistan Protection of Civilians Special Report
This report, issued jointly by United Nations Assistance Mission to Afghanistan (UNAMA) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Latest UNODC Monitoring Report shows decline of coca cultivation in Bolivia
In 2018, the cultivation of coca crops in Bolivia decreased by six per cent compared to data from 2017, according to the latest Coca Cultivation Survey presented today in La Paz by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia
What America’s Users Spend on Illegal Drugs, 2006–2016
This report updates and extends estimates of the number of users, retail expenditures, and amount consumed from 2006 to 2016 for cocaine (including crack), heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine in the United States, based on a methodology developed by the RAND Corporation for the Office of National Drug Control Policy
The cost and consequences of the war on drugs (PDF)
The report’s findings suggest that, from a human rights perspective, there must be a shift from international drug policies that focus on criminalization and supply reduction, to ones that have human rights and health at their core (Human Rights Foundation)
Assessing Cannabis Supply and Demand in Washington State
This report provides detailed information about state-legal cannabis production and sales in Washington, as well as insights about the total amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) obtained from legal and illegal sources by Washington residents (RAND)
Denying Revenue or Wasting Money?
Assessing the Impact of the Air Campaign Against ‘Drugs Labs’ in Afghanistan (LSE)
Psychotropic Substances – Technical Report
On an annual basis the Psychotropics Control Section of the INCB Secretariat publishes a technical report that provides an overview of the world wide licit manufacture, export, import, stocks and consumption of substances controlled under the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971 (INCB)
Recent changes in Europe’s cocaine market: results from an EMCDDA trendspotter study
Using trendspotter methodology, this report explores signs of increasing availability and consumption of cocaine in Europe, in an effort to increase our understanding of recent changes in the cocaine market. The study investigates the consequences of these developments on acute health harms linked to cocaine and crack use and reviews the current public health responses to problems related to these drugs (EMCDDA)
Improved drug supply indicators for Europe: progress report
This report provides a summary of the key findings from the assessment of progress of the EU Member States, Norway and Turkey towards the implementation of the revised drug supply indicators, as developed by the EMCDDA in line with the Council conclusions of November 2013. The report gives also an overview of the purpose and aims of supply data collected by the EMCDDA.
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