Technical competencies guide to working with first nations clients (CCSA)
Bibliography: All Publications
INCB warns against weakening the international drug control legal framework
At the opening of its 112th Session on Monday, the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) once again cautioned the members of the international community of the public health risks associated with the adoption of legislative and policy measures which are inconsistent with the provisions of the three United Nations drug control conventions (UNIS)
State of the Sector 2014 – 15
State of the Sector provides a voice for nearly 200 services Summary (DrugScope)
Historic Requests for Treatment and Prevention in President Obama’s 2016 Budget
In response to America’s drug problem, the 2016 Budget reflects the Administration’s ongoing commitment to reducing drug use and its consequences through a balanced approach rooted in science. Budget highlights (ONDCP)
Drugnet Europe 89
New review studies the effectiveness of overdose antidote, naloxone – trendspotter study explores online supply of drugs (EMCDDA)
Mortality among drug users in Europe: new and old challenges for public health
This paper examines the overall number of lives lost due to drug use. All-cause mortality among problem drug users is investigated by means of cohort studies, which link data from death registries to drug treatment records (EMCDDA)
Drugnet Europe 89
New review studies the effectiveness of overdose antidote, naloxone – trendspotter study explores online supply of drugs (EMCDDA)
Historic Requests for Treatment and Prevention in President Obama’s 2016 Budget
In response to America’s drug problem, the 2016 Budget reflects the Administration’s ongoing commitment to reducing drug use and its consequences through a balanced approach rooted in science. Budget highlights (ONDCP)
The Illegal Trade in Previously Legal Highs in Romania
Since laws were passed in Romania in 2010 and 2011, prohibiting the trade in previously legal highs and any other commercial products with psychoactive effects, the sale and use of these substances has gone down significantly. Nevertheless, amphetamine-like stimulants and other previously legal highs are still readily available, via a number of different routes, to users who are in the know (Drug Reporter)
Cannabis use common among people using prescribed opioids for chronic pain
One in six people using prescribed opioids for chronic pain also use cannabis, a study of 1,500 Australians led by researchers at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre
Human rights, drug control and the UN special procedures
Preventing arbitrary detention through the promotion of human rights in drug control (International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy)
Human rights, drug control and the UN special procedures
Preventing arbitrary detention through the promotion of human rights in drug control (International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy)
New report on use of ‘payment by results’ for people with multiple needs
Adding Value? Reflections on payment by results for people with multiple and complex needs [Report] considers how a range of different PbR schemes have been applied to services working with individuals facing multiple and complex problems, including a combination of poor mental health, offending, substance misuse, and homelessness (Revolving Doors)
New EMCDDA trendspotter study explores online supply of drugs
The speed with which the Internet is transforming drug markets poses a major challenge to law enforcement, public health, research and monitoring agencies. This is according to Internet and drug markets (EMCDDA)
£400k ‘club drugs’ project gets go ahead
Second phase of NEPTUNE project will improve delivery of evidence-based treatment for ‘club drugs’ by providing new resources for clinicians (NHS)
Illegal Drugs Laws: Clearing a 50-Year-Old Obstacle to Research
The United Nations drug control conventions of 1960 and 1971 and later additions have inadvertently resulted in perhaps the greatest restrictions of medical and life sciences research. These conventions now need to be revised to allow neuroscience to progress unimpeded and to assist in the innovation of treatments for brain disorders (PLoS)
HIV sweeps across eastern Europe amid economic crisis
HIV is spreading at a dangerous rate in nations around the Black Sea, passing a record 100,000 new cases yearly (EU Observer)
Understanding the Costs and Savings to Public Services of Different Treatment Pathways for Clients Dependent on Opiates
This paper presents a summary of analysis that considered the costs and savings to public services that might be generated from those receiving treatment for opiate dependence (Department for Work and Pensions, UK)
A multi-faceted approach to new psychoactive substances
Slides from presentations at yesterday’s event in Birmingham (Public Health England)
Crime in England and Wales, Year Ending September 2014
Information on drug offences from page 78 (ONS)