Re-offending of clients testing positive for class A drugs across Merseyside (Public Health Institute)
Bibliography: Interventions – Law Enforcement
The Evaluation of the Drug Recovery Wing Pilots (PDF)
In 2012, the Department of Health commissioned an evaluation of these pilots, which has been undertaken by researchers at the University of York, the Centre for Drug Use Research in Glasgow and the University of Cambridge
Psychoactive substances in secure mental health settings
This review summarises the latest evidence and makes recommendations for secure mental health service commissioners and providers (Public Health England)
Drug driving law evaluation
Evaluation of the new drug driving legislation, one year after its introduction (Department for Transport)
Crime in England and Wales: year ending March 2017
Includes a section o drugs (Office of National Statistics)
The drugs situation in Ireland: an overview of trends from 2005 to 2015 (PDF)
This overview analyses ten years of data up to the most recent available with respect to the five European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) key indicators (prevalence of drug use, high risk drug use, treatment demand, drug-related deaths and mortality and drug-related infectious diseases) as well as drug-related crime and supply (Centre for Public Health at Liverpool John Moores University)
Mental health in prisons
Improving the mental health of those in prison will require a step change in effort and resources (National Audit Office)
Police diversion for cannabis offences: Assessing outcomes and cost-effectiveness
This study compared the cost-effectiveness and outcomes of three kinds of diversions—cautions, expiation and warnings—with the traditional criminal justice system response of charging the offender (AIC)
List of most commonly encountered drugs currently controlled under the misuse of drugs legislation
The following is a list of the most commonly encountered drugs currently controlled under the misuse of drugs legislation showing their respective classifications under both the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (MDA) and the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 (MDR) (Home Office)
Penal Reform International: Global Prison Trends 2017 (PDF)
The Global Prison Trends 2017 report by Penal Reform International, in collaboration with the Thailand Institute of Justice, provides a window to one of the least visible and least accessible government sectors, while highlighting some of the most intractable correctional issues for policy makers across the world
Australian methamphetamine user outcomes (PDF)
This paper examines the demographics of methamphetamine users and their employment, education and health outcomes using data from the National Drug Strategy Household Survey, the Drug Use Monitoring in Australia program, the Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Services data collection and the National Prisoner Health Data Collection (Australian Institute of Criminology)
Irish Prison Service annual report 2016 (PDF)
Offence group classified by sentence, total 3,077 – Controlled Drug Offences (350) p.29. Offence group, total = 12,163 – Controlled Drug Offences (671) p.33
Five nations health and justice collaboration: psychoactive substances
This statement outlines how the European drug marketplace has become increasingly complex with an increasing number of new substances available alongside more established drugs and diverted medications (Public Health England)
Criminal Justice Project: Drug Interventions Programme (PDF)
Wirral DIP Activity Profile 2015/16 (Public Health Institute)
Criminal Justice Project – Impact of targeted drug testing on drug using offenders coming into treatment in Liverpool (PDF)
To explore the impact of targeted testing on drug using offenders coming into treatment in Liverpool, this report uses two datasets: drug testing data provided by Merseyside Police; and the criminal justice dataset entered onto the Criminal Justice Intervention Team (CJIT) Data Entry Tool (DET) by Liverpool Addaction (Public Health Institute)
FDACs face challenging future
he future of the Family Drug and Alcohol Court is far from certain due to a challenging economic climate and concerns among local stakeholders over whether the court provides value for money, an independent evaluation of the innovative court model has warned (Solicitors Journal)
Criminal Justice Project – Impact of targeted drug testing on drug using offenders coming into treatment in Liverpool Criminal Justice Project – Impact of targeted drug testing on drug using offenders coming into treatment in Liverpool
The report compares data between May 2014 and April 2015 (2014-15) and between May 2015 and April 2016 (Public Health Institute)
“If you are poor, you are killed”
Extrajudicial executions in the Philippines’ “war on Drugs” (Amnesty International)
Alcohol/Drug-Involved Family Violence in Australia(Large PDF)
Final report (NDLERF)
Thematic analysis of training for prison staff on new psychoactive substances (PDF)
The training programme was primarily targeted at prison-based staff although it benefitted significantly from the attendance and contribution of colleagues from community-based treatment services (Public Health England)
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