This report examines the effectiveness of out-of-court disposals and diversion programmes and considers whether there is scope to increase their use. Our research included analysis of the latest evidence and trends, an in-depth study in the Thames Valley Police force area and a nationally representative survey (Crest)
Bibliography: Interventions – Law Enforcement
Inquiry into the Drugs of Dependence (Personal Use) Amendment Bill 2021
Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory Select Committee on the Drugs of Dependence (Personal Use) Amendment Bill 2021
Report and Recommendations of the NYSBA Task Force on Attorney Well-Being
NYSBA Attorney Well-Being Task Force, we expect this Report to be illuminating, sobering, and, ultimately galvanizing, acting as both a platform and a call to action (New York State Bar Association)
Caught in the Crossfire
Health and human rights impacts of COVID-19 measures on people who use drugs in Indonesia and the Philippines (Harm Reduction International)
Impact of Cannabis Legalization on Youth Contact with the Criminal Justice System
This study aimed to fill that void by determining how many young people are coming into contact with the criminal justice system, including police, courts and corrections, as a result of cannabis-related offences, and what is the nature and outcome of these contacts (CCSA)
Between Prohibition and Regulation
Narrative Analysis of Cannabis Policy Debate in Africa (GDPO)
Evaluation of Prosecutorial Policy Reforms Eliminating Criminal Penalties for Drug Possession and Sex Work in Baltimore, Maryland
This report presents findings from an evaluation of criminal legal policy reforms impacting vulnerable populations in Baltimore City (John Hokins University)
Proposed Right to Addiction Recovery (Scotland) Bill
A proposal for a Bill to enable people addicted to drugs and/or alcohol to access the necessary addiction treatment they require (Scottish Government)
A New Approach: A Prosecutor’s Guide to Advancing a Public Health Response to Drug Use
Guide, an Executive Summary, and seven videos featuring directly impacted people, prosecutors, and experts discussing this new approach for prosecutors (Institute for Innovation in Prosecution )
Effective practice guide Substance misuse
Based on: a joint thematic inspection of community-based drug treatment and recovery work with people on probation (HM Inspector of Probation)
A summary of criminal activity and contact with the criminal justice system among a sample of people who inject drugs in Darwin, Northern Territory, 2015-2020
This bulletin presents a summary of selected aspects of crime, arrests and prison history reported by people who regularly inject drugs (PWID), interviewed as part of the Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) in Darwin, Northern Territory (NT), from 2015-2020 (NDSRC)
Lord Advocate statement on Diversion from Prosecution
The Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain QC made this statement to the Scottish Parliament on Diversion from Prosecution (Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service, Scotland)
Drug Law Reform Report
It explores how existing legislation and its use impacts on the current situation amid the changing landscape of Scotland’s unique drug deaths challenge (Scottish Drug Deaths Taskforce)
A joint thematic inspection of community-based drug treatment and recovery work with people on probation
Probation services are responding poorly to drugs misuse and addiction cases, according to inspectors (HM Inspectorate of Probation) download
Cannabis Research in Times of Legalization: What’s on the Agenda
This report is based on a workshop of the same name that was co-organized by CCSA and the Department of Political Science at the University of Zurich
Nearly Half of State Incarcerees Suffer From Substance Abuse: Survey
Despite recommendations by the National Commission on Correctional Healthcare to provide access to behavioral or medical treatment for incarcerees struggling with addiction, only 33 percent of state inmates and 46 percent of federal incarcerees participated in any alcohol or drug treatment program while they were behind bars, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Full report
Drug use monitoring in Australia
Drug use among police detainees, 2020
Prison and drugs in Europe: current and future challenges
This publication provides an overview of current knowledge and the latest developments in the field of drug use and prison in Europe. The report explores in depth the epidemiology of drug use and drug-related problems among the prison population, the available social and health service responses to drug-related problems in prison, including the most recent evidence of effectiveness, and the drug supply and markets inside prison (EMCDDA)
50 years of the Misuse of Drugs Act and the ACMD
Despite several amendments over the past five decades, the framework of the Act remains central to drug law today (Society for the Study of Addiction)
Family Drug and Alcohol Courts
This briefing outlines what is different about Family Drug and Alcohol Courts, which uses a problem solving approach to help parents become free from substance misuse, so they can be safely reunited with their children (Centre for Justice Innovation)
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