On this page you can examine and compare the penalties, or rehabilitative responses, for the core offences of drug use, possession for personal use, and supply-related offences, across countries in Europe (EMCDDA)
Bibliography: International Policy Issues
An analysis of post-mortem toxicology practices in drug-related death cases in Europe
The objective of this report is to provide an updated analysis of the post-mortem toxicology practices of drug-related deaths (DRD) in Europe and to discuss the effect of these practices on the monitoring of DRDs (EMCDDA)
Death penalty in 2018: Facts and figures
Amnesty International recorded at least 690 executions in 20 countries in 2018, a decrease of 31% compared to 2017 (at least 993). This figure represents the lowest number of executions that Amnesty International has recorded in the past decade
WHO recommends rescheduling of cannabis
On 24 January 2019, the Director General of the World Health Organization sent a letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations recommending, among other things, that cannabis and associated substances be rescheduled in the international drug control framework (EMCDDA)
Psychotropic Substances – Technical Report
On an annual basis the Psychotropics Control Section of the INCB Secretariat publishes a technical report that provides an overview of the world wide licit manufacture, export, import, stocks and consumption of substances controlled under the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971 (INCB)
Programming document 2019-21
This is the first Programming Document fully grounded in the EMCDDA Strategy 2025 and it sets a milestone in the strategic and operational planning framework of the EMCDDA
International guidelines on human rights and drug policy (PDF)
Responding to the harms associated with drug use and the illicit drug trade is one of the greatest social policy challenges of our time. All aspects of this challenge have human rights implications ( (UNAIDS), (UNDP), (WHO)
Current NPS Threats
a new publication, presents highlights from the UNODC Toxicology Portal
What we have learned over the last ten years:
A summary of knowledge acquired and produced by the UN system on drug-related matters (UNODC)
Drug prevention: exploring a systems perspective
This report considers substance use prevention in Europe through the lens of a system, highlighting the wide range of factors that need to be addressed to successfully implement substance use prevention programmes and policies (EMCDDA)
Drug treatment systems in the Western Balkans: outcomes of a joint EMCDDA-UNODC survey of drug treatment facilities
This report presents a summary of the key findings from drug treatment facility surveys carried out in 2017 in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and the territory of Kosovo. The results provide insight into the characteristics and capacity of the treatment systems, as well as the availability and provision of treatment intervention (EMCDDA)
Drug Policy in India: Key developments since the UNGASS 2016 (PDF)
The International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) has conducted assessments of progress over the past decade both at the global level and at the regional level in Asia
Magnitude of substance use in India 2019 (PDF)
This report presents the major findings of the National Survey on Extent and Pattern of Substance Use in India, commissioned by the Ministry, in terms of proportion of Indian population affected by substance use (Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Government of India )
EMCDDA intensifies its cooperation with the European Neighbourhood Policy countries
This year, the EMCDDA has launched a three-year project — EU4Monitoring Drugs (EU4MD) — which will intensify its cooperation with the countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)
EMCDDA Budget 2019
The EMCDDA receives stable funding under Commission budget line B3-441 of the general budget of the European Union. Each year, a preliminary draft budget is presented by the Centre’s Director to the Management Board, which may modify the draft before adopting it and submitting it to the European Commission. The Commission, in turn, makes its recommendations (which may again alter the draft) and presents the result to the European Council and Parliament. Download
The European Cannabis Report™ 4th Edition
examines: Commercial and business opportunities in 33 European markets – Changing legislation and new regulatory guidelines across the region – Emerging trends, market forecasts and industry insights (Prohibition Partners)
Response to the Opioid Crisis
Our strategy unites ongoing UNODC programmes for a timely and comprehensive organization-wide response to the opioid crisis. It does so through a unique set of coordinated activities and resources based on five pillars (UNODC)
UNODC/WHO International Standards on Drug Use Prevention Second updated edition
This second updated edition of the Standards and has been published jointly with the World Health Organisation. As in the case of the first edition, the Standards summarize the currently available scientific evidence, describing interventions and policies that have been found to result in positive prevention outcomes and their characteristics
Exploring new and emerging drug trends and developments in CELAC countries: joint report from the EMCDDA and COPOLAD workshop on trendspotter methodology
The workshop involved representatives from national drug observatories based in countries from the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), along with experts from European countries and regional and international organisations active in the drugs field. Download (EMCDDA)
Exploring new and emerging drug trends and developments in CELAC countries
Joint report from the EMCDDA and COPOLAD workshop on trendspotter methodology
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