Regarding minimum quality standards in drug demand reduction in the European Union
Bibliography: International Policy Issues
EU drugs agency steps up cooperation with National Security Council of Armenia
This cooperation takes place within the EMCDDA’s mandate for cooperation with third (non-EU) countries in consultation with its Management Board and the European Commission (EMCDDA)
Report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2015: raising taxes on tobacco
World Health Organization. (2015) Report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2015: raising taxes on tobacco
Report of visit by a Committee delegation to examine the impact of Portuguese approach to the possession of certain drugs
The Joint Committee decided to undertake a study into the effects of crimes carried out in communities by gangs and held a number of public hearings in relation to this matter (Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality, Ireland)
EMCDDA-Europol 2014 Annual Report on the implementation of Council Decision 2005/387/JHA
This report presents the key activities performed by the EMCDDA and Europol in 2014, with details on all the relevant activities in support of the implementation of Council Decision 2005/387/JHA on the information exchange, risk assessment and control of new psychoactive substances, including new psychoactive substances notified in 2014
New psychoactive substances in Europe: Innovative legal responses
This short report provides an overview of how European countries are developing innovative legal responses to the challenges presented to public health and drug policy by the rapidly evolving market for new psychoactive substances (EMCDDA)
World Drug Report 2015
Drugs policy and the city in Europe
Illicit drug problems and responses and the different forms they can take in the city environment are explored in this paper. It addresses four areas: urban spaces and drug use, responses to city-level drug problems, city-level drugs strategies, and the coordination and funding of city-level policies (EMCDDA)
Countering narcotics: Afghanistan Drug Reporting System launched
UNODC and the Afghan Ministry of Counter Narcotics have launched the Afghanistan Drug Reporting System (ADRS), the latest project in their partnership of more than three years
A year in review: Highlights from the EMCDDA’s General Report of Activities 2014
The series ‘A year in review’ contains the essence of the EMCDDA’s General Report of Activities. It is designed to provide interested audiences with a brief, four-page summary of the agency’s achievements for the year concerned with a focus on key topics (EMCDDA)
Getting Drug Policy Right for Women and Girls
When most people picture the illicit drug trade – the traffickers, the gangs, the kingpins – they picture a world comprised of men. But drugs and drug-related crime affect women uniquely. Understanding how women fit into this dynamic is crucial to getting drug policy right ( Open Society Foundations)
General Report of Activities 2014
The General Report of Activities is an annual publication providing a detailed progress report of the EMCDDA’s activities over a 12-month period. It catalogues the Centre’s achievements in each area of its annual work programme. The report is a useful information source for all those seeking comprehensive information on the Centre and its work (EMCDDA)
Models for the legal supply of cannabis
Recent developments (EMCDDA)
Wastewater analysis and drugs
European multi-city study (EMCDDA)
The Global Drug Survey 2015 findings
What did we learn from GDS2015? An overview of our key findings Dr Adam R Winstock, Founder Director GDS
Opioid trafficking routes from Asia to Europe
Part of the Perspectives on Drugs (PODs) series, launched as part of the European Drug Report package, these designed-for-the-web interactive analyses provide deeper insights into a selection of important issues (EMCDDA)
European Drug Report 2015
Multi media package (EMCDDA)
European Drug Report 2015: Trends and Developments
This years’ annual review reflects on 20 years of monitoring and examines the global influences and local ramifications of Europe’s ever-changing drugs problem (EMCDDA)
Global policy and access to new hepatitis C therapies for people who inject drugs
This review outlines policy recommendations made in the 2014 World Health Organisation (WHO) Guidelines on Screening, Care and Treatment of HCV and their relevance to PWID (Drug Policy)
The Death Penalty for Drug Offences: What do the international drug control treaties say about ‘most serious crimes’?
By Dr Rick Lines. Executive Director of Harm Reduction International, and a Visiting Fellow at the Human Rights Centre, University of Essex